Dr. James Scott
Personal Profile

Dr. James Scott is a consultant diagnostic neuroradiologist in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and is a Clinical Professor at the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary.
Dr. James completed his fellowship training in neuroradiology at the University of Toronto and has been in active practice in Calgary since 2003.
In addition to his performing clinical, teaching, and some research activities, Dr. Scott is also the Program Director for the Neuroradiology Residency and Radiology Fellowship programs. He has a special interest in neonatal imaging, imaging epilepsy, neuro-oncology, and US-guided biopsy of neck lesions.
Dr. Scott was a leading co-author of a national consensus approach for standardizing the screening and classification of preterm brain injury diagnosed with cranial ultrasound. He has more than 200 publications including book chapters, published proceedings/abstracts, and papers in refereed journals. Dr. Scott has guest lectured at local, national, and international meetings on a range of topics including preterm brain injury, MR spectroscopy, imaging epilepsy, and neurologic complications of recreational drug abuse.